Vision & Mission

Our Vision & Objective
  • To establish Cow Conservation, Protection & Promotion (every aspect of Indigenous Cow i.e. GauvanshPalan, Sanrakshan&Samvardhan etc.).
  • To establish, maintain & run GOSHALA using ancient as well as modern culture of India.
  • Serve humanity by Panchgavya, Ayurved, Yog&Pranayam, Naturopathy & other Indian treatment methods.
  • To use Cow Dung for the purpose of Organic Farming, medicines & other products.
  • To use Cow Urine for preparation of medicines, pesticides & other products.
  • Organizing Camps to spread awareness to the people about the benefits of Indigenous Cow, Health & Organic Farming, Energy, Employment etc.
  • To make people available Cow Milk, Urine & Dung Products at reasonable price.
  • For Spreading awareness of “PanchgavyaChikitsa” in society and Promote “PanchgavyaChikitsa” in parallel to Modern Allopathic for chronic diseases.
  • For Providing formal training & education on “PanchgavyaChikitsa” to people so that “Panchgavya” doctors can be given to society.
  • To serve in every aspect of Indigenous Cow (Bhartiya Gouvans) i.e. Cow Conservation, Protection, Promotion, Research, Training, Health, Natural Farming, Energy etc. (Palan, Sanrakshan, Samvardhan, Shodh, Prashikshan, Swasth, PrakartikKheti, Urja etc).
  • To develop and promote ancient education training in Gurukul along with Panchgavya.
  • To revive ancient Gurukul culture for providing formal training & education on PanchgavyaChikitsa to people.
  • To establish research and development centers on Panchgavya, Ayurveda and other India ancient ChikitsaPaddhati.
  • To establish Panchgavya and Ayurveda based treatment centres (Chikitsa Kendra) resident and non-resident so that panchgavyachikitsha can cure society for chronic / acute diseases.
  • To build franchise based education model based on panchgavya, Ayurveda and other India ancient medical practices.
  • To affiliate with other panchgavya and Ayurvedic institution to promote R&D training and education programs and establish various formal education system to produce doctors skilled in panchgavya, Ayurveda and other India ancient medical practices.
  • To develop panchgavya research lab with state-of-art facility.
  • To provide service to humanity by panchgavya, ayurved, yog and pranayam, naturopathy and other Indian treatment methods for curing from the diseases and or preventive health care.
  • To establish, takeover, maintain & run Goshala using ancient as well as modern culture of India.
  • To provide employment in society with given objectives.
  • To spread education and awareness about the benefits of indigenous cow in all aspects of health, organic agriculture, energy, environment, employment etc. more specifically in traditional as well as scientific way.
  • To promote usage and benefit of cow dung for the purpose of organic farming, medicines, biogas and energy, domestic and other products.
  • To promote usage and benefits of cow milk, urine for preparation of medicines, pesticides & products.
  • To make available of cow milk, urine and dung products at reasonable rate so as to promote the same.
  • Promotion of Indian cow culture & cow tourism across the country to give healthy & quality life.
  • To breed & promote indigenous bull according to their breed, region & geographic condition.
  • Gochar land & forest development for regional grass & herbs.
  • Promotion of organics and natural agriculture practice with help of indigenous cow.
  • Revive broken link between goumata, kheti, health, water, environment & employment etc.
  • Energy generation using biogas, solar energy, bull energy etc.
  • To establish pilot project to attain dharma, arth, kaam&moksh as described in our vedas through serving Indian govansh.
  • The Society Shall also take care of destitute Animals who are found on roads and shall hand over them to the animal husbandry department and to the Society Who is responsible to keep such animals in their custody.
  • To Manage and organize art & cultural programs for the help of widow, illiterate persons, disabled persons and community living below poverty line in the manner of educating them in sewing cutting and tailoring typing, computers, handicrafts and to open and manage Aaganwari, and also to provide them hostel facilities etc.
  • To organize the Blood donation Camps for tile needed patents with the expert Doctors teams.
  • Rehabilitation for the physically and mentally challenged people.
  • To establish welfare project and to assist affiliate and establish connections with other institutions having similar objects and / or help them providing said to the disable / Victims persons.
  • To give financial aid or otherwise to individuals, agencies, trusts, relief munch etc. dealing with calamities in any part of India.
  • To Provide for Medical Aids, Medicines, Foods and financial assistance and other needs to the victims of the natural calamities.
  • To incur expenses including educational scholarships, establishing educational institutions, health care centers, community centers, medical assistance and assistance for humanitarian work, project financing and assistance amide at humanitarian and social uplift as well as other welfare activities to improve the quality of life.
  • To establish libraries of books journals, magazines, audio and visual aids, publishing facilities, etc for promotion of education knowledge.
  • To establish Institution for education and promotion of Fine Arts, performing Arts, Scientific Knowledge in all fields of learning.
  • To arrange, establish and run primary, middle and / or higher secondary school and / or educational and vocational, engineering, management school / institution and provide the general education to the student of all sedum and also bring the education of the best standard within the reach of poor and backward children at the lowest possible cost.
  • To promote co-operation, harmony, brother hood, love and affection among the people for the welfare of the Society.
  • To Bring up to leadership qualities among the youngsters so as to make them future leaders of the country.
  • To give humanitarian services to every human being without any distinction of religion, caste, sex, social character etc.
  • To promote awareness on health and hygienic through Yoga / Meditation camps in rural and urban areas.
  • To organize sports clubs, sports, meets, sports competitions and promote sport spirit amongst youth.
  • To educate people about the public interest as to file the public interest litigations before the high court and Supreme Court.
  • To receive donations raised under the name and style of our Society and also through the various offices in response to the ample published in newspapers and websites for funds to afford relief and to make disbursements from the’ donations received.
  • To mobilize the people for the large interest of Society and also to nit them in a chain for betterment of Society.
  • To educate people about the right to information Act 200S and to educate them how to use this right.
  • To take care senior citizens who have no one to look after them and also to educate the youngster to respect their senior and parents especially in the old age.
  • The basis aim of our organization is to organize relief and carryon rehabilitation measures in times of calamities and disasters so as to mitigate human sufferings, alleviate distress and losses arising out of calamities such as floods, cyclones, fires, earthquakes, droughts, famines, wars, hostilities, riots, epidemics and other miseries affecting people in any part of India and to provide financial and other assistance to them.
  • To fight against social abuses like dowry, illegal trafficking, child marriage, child labour.
  • To fight for eradication of poverty.
  • To create awareness in Society about social evils through contacts, meetings classroom training etc.
  • To carryon community development programmers for the enlistment of educationally and economically weaker sections of the Society irrespective of caste, color and creed.
  • To establish, contract and development educational community center and institutions for the achievements and furtherance of the objects of the Society.
  • To institute and award scholarship for study, research and apprenticeship for all or any educational purpose.
  • To issue appeals and applications for money and funds for the furtherance of the objects of the Society and to receive donations in cash or kind movable or immovable or freehold leasehold proprieties to accept gifts donations subscriptions, etc for the purpose of the munch.
  • To educate people about the Universal Brotherhood and to teach them the benefits of peace for the development of the Society and the Country at large.
  • To educate people about the disadvantages of the pollution and its bad effects on the Health of the people.
  • To establish the various branches of our Society in other states.
Our Mission
  • Serve humanity by promoting India Cow in society
  • Promotion of India Cow culture across the country to give quality and healthy life
  • Introduction of “PanchgavyaChikitsa” across the country which is capable of curing all chronic and general diseases
  • Addressing the crisis of unemployment across the country
  • Solving Water crisis across the country
  • Promotion of organic cultivation across the Country to improve lives of farmers
  • Promotion of SWADESHI products and medicines